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In Response

I just wanted to take the time to respond to the responses I received after writing about The Unwanted Adventure. Thank you to everyone who took a moment to encourage me.

So far that post has the most hits of all my posts from the beginning of this blog. That alone showed me two things:

1. More people read this blog than I thought.

2. It's a tangible representation of one of the ways God has blessed me through this trial, and that is the opportunity for deep, real relationships.

This is the first time in my life that I have the capacity to understand true suffering, yet I still acknowledge that there is much deeper suffering in this world than what I'm going through. It's the first time that I'm really hurting about something that's out of my control.

It's so scary to take down the walls that guard our hearts. I think that there's a time for it and a time to keep things to yourself. Lately, the times I have allowed the walls to fall have resulted in some of the most encouraging, life-changing conversations. It's amazing how many people have opened up to me about their hurt after I have shared about mine. Praise the Lord for that. It gives me hope that this trial is not happening in vain.

Everyone has a story. Sometimes it takes a while to peel back the layers though.


Unknown said…
One of my favorite lines from Steven Curtis Chapman's "Believe Me Now":

"I AM a God who never wastes a single hurt that you endure. My Word is true and all My promises are sure!"

And, though His face is hard to see when we are suffering, it is true. Romans 8:28 no matter how bad things may seem.

I would also add: it helps to cross-post blog posts on facebook. That was the way I saw it!

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