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Daisy's Middle Name

We knew that we wanted to name our daughter Daisy before we even found out she was a girl. We didn't know what her middle name would be though. We had several possibilities, since many different names go with Daisy. Here are some of the names we considered:

Daisy Joy
Daisy Grace
Daisy Lynne
Daisy Love
Daisy Jane
Daisy Zane
Daisy Duck (jk)

Last week I was especially emotional driving home from Lowes and thinking about Daisy. I said something to her like, "I love you, Daisy girl." Then I was overcome with the emotion of how much I love this girl! I got all teary.

I realized that she'll never love me as much as I love her, and she has no idea of the amount of love I have for her.

Then I realized what a perfect picture of God's love that is. I'll never grasp how much He loves me, and I don't (can't) love Him as much as He loves me. I've heard parents say that they understood God's love better after having a kid. Now I see how that's true.

I thought of 1 John 3:1, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"

At that moment, I was pretty confident I wanted to name her Daisy Love and have 1 John 3:1 be her verse. I was never into giving kids verses before, but here I am doing it. I feel strongly that God was teaching me about His love and being His child, and He did it through Daisy.

So there you have it. It sounds like she has hippies for parents, but our baby girl is going to be named Daisy Love.

And just for kicks, here's a picture of my belly bump at 25 weeks.

I was dressed all cute that morning for church, but then neglected to do a baby bump picture until after a long day of naps, driving with the windows open and general laziness. So, this is my blurry, t-shirt and messy hair baby bump picture. I call it, "Real Life." 

I'll try harder next time. 


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