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Minions of Dominion

There's a game called Dominion. It's super fun. We brought it to Plant City last weekend.
This is Zane teaching Stevie and Kaitlin how to play. Pay attention, Stevie!!

We were first introduced to Dominion last year by our friends at the House of Gjertsen. I gave it to Zane for our anniversary that year, and it's been taking over our lives ever since. Nearly every person Zane teaches it to becomes obsessed. The expansion sets that keep coming out only feed the addiction. The thing Zane wanted the most for his birthday was the Prosperity expansion set.

Karah and Kaitlin enjoying their first game of Dominion.

Vicky giving some important last-minute tips before we start.

We played Dominion for a couple hours, then went to dinner. After dinner we played until 2:00am. Because we were grouchy from fatigue and Dominion exhaustion, we decided to go to sleep. Then upon waking at 9:30am, Stevie pulled out the box to start playing again.

Addicts, I tell you.

I won several times, so I was happy to keep playing. But in the morning, I realized I had other things to do in life than play Dominion. Instead of dancing til the world ends, we were playing Dominion.

This is the picture I used yesterday for Zane's birthday. It's also relevant today, because he was eating breakfast as we played Dominion that morning.

 It was a Dominion marathon in Plant City.


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