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Rufio - 2; Rainbows - 0

Not too long ago (March 28th, to be exact), Rufio ate my shoe:

Tonight, he struck again, swiftly and surely, to my other pair of Rainbows.

I bought both these pairs of shoes intending them to last forever. That was right before Zane and I got married, so I've had them for over three years.

3 years < forever

Within two weeks, both pairs have been destroyed beyond use...

...or have they?


Vicky said…
What a sweet dog to chew the opposite shoe so at least you can still have one unchewed pair...
Kayla said…
This cracks me up! Deb - I can't wait to hang out with you in a few weeks!!!

Wanted to let you know I've chosen your blog to receive a "One Lovely Blog" award - check out mine for details. (

You can choose to accept or not, but either way I wanted you to know I love following your blog!


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