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Hide and Weep

Rufio has a complex where he has to be within three feet of me at all times. He watches where I go and follows me if I get too far for his comfort.

Well, a couple nights ago I noticed that he was slackin' by extending his three foot radius. When he wasn't looking, I took the opportunity to duck around the corner. A few seconds later I heard his collar jingle as he ran down the hallway looking for me. Then he ran back. Then he ran down the hall. Then he ran back.

I had to conceal my laughter because I knew he was looking for me. After maybe a minute of running back and forth, he started wimpering. It was all I could do to not burst out laughing and give myself away. Eventually I felt bad, so I came out.

That started a great game that we have played each night since. Zane holds Rufio's head away from me and I run and hide. I kept hiding in the dark bedroom, which he was too afraid to enter by himself. Yeah, I'm using his weakness to my advantage.

Last night, we played a few rounds. Boy, this dog learns fast! I chose some pretty difficult places and he found me every time. I think he caught onto the game or at least the fact that it is a game and I'm not really missing in action. He came all the way into the back of the dark bedroom to find me tonight. I have to start raising the bar on my hiding places. I think I might try behind closed doors next. Test his skills and all.


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