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That Was Fast!

A couple days ago I was reading a couple chapters out of the Bible. Specifically, I was reading John 14-16. I came across this verse where Jesus is talking to his disciples:

" fact, a time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God. They will do such things because they have not known the Father or me." (16:2-3)

I had to do a double-take.

I've been reading a book called "God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything." This was on the recommendation of a seemingly atheist, self-declared agnostic friend. This books has a chapter on religious warfare. It was a great argument for religion equaling poison. Christians killing Jews, Muslims killing Christians, Christians killing Muslims, Muslims killing each other, Buddhists killing each other, Christians killing each other. All in the name of God. It's sick.

At the time I thought to myself, "Wow, this is awful. People are bad. God didn't really tell these people to do any of this stuff. They're using 'religion' for self-advancement."

People are bad, selfish and willing to do anything to advance themselves in this world or the next. Religion is pretty much poisoning the world. However, God IS great. His name is being wrongly used behind some bad stuff. Those people aren't worshipers of God, they're worshipers of self.

The reason for my double-take was that Jesus already said that like 2000 years ago.

Conclusion: Being "religious" doesn't always mean knowing God.


Deb! You have a blog! This discovery made me inordinately happy :)
Anonymous said…
1) I like your blog
2) Megan really should update hers (frowning look upon Megan)
3) this reminded me of the quote by G. K. Chesterton "Let your religion be less of a theory, and more of a love affair." Which I think is very fitting.
4) I'm glad the condition washing only works for you. Breanna had told me you liked it. After my scalp gets back to normal... I might try just the baking soda only thing. But then again... I might not. haha... I'll just blog about it if I do ;)
and 5) I prayed for you and Zane today. It was nice. I asked God to bless y'all with lots of little Zane and Deborah babies because I know you will be such great parents.

So... watch out!!! My prayers might be answered!!!!
Anonymous said…
hi Deborah! I found your blog on your facebook and started reading it...I hope I am not too creepy for that! I like this post a lot, it reminds me of a funny fake "news article" I read several years ago:

I have grown very uncomfortable with organized religion for the very reason that it is used in the name of violence and hatred so often. it's sometimes easy to forget that religion doesn't necessarily mean faith...good to be reminded again.


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