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Wildwood Dancing

It's Monday again! Time for another book review.

One of my favorite fairy tales growing up was The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I always loved the idea of finding a secret portal to another realm! Like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, but with dancing!

I was in the library practicing my new method of finding books to read, and came across this one. The cover was so beautiful and intriguing, I just had to check it out.

I was not disappointed. Wildwood Dancing by Juliette Marillier is the story of five sisters who go into a magical realm to dance once a month on the night of the full moon. They're father leaves for a business trip right before the start of winter. Soon the sisters are faced with conflicts at home and potential danger in the realm. There's love, magic, and even a touch of vampires, but just a touch.

It had elements of The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Pride and Prejudice and Dracula, but Wildwood Dancing was truly a story of it's own. As much as I tried to predict it, I never knew what would happen next.

It was a bit slow in the beginning, but once I learned the characters, I soon began pondering the plot throughout my day, like when I was driving or at work. I think the mark of a good book is when I care to know what happens even when I'm not reading it.

I thought it was lovely. When I wasn't reading it, I was staring at the cover illustration. So beautiful! Go give it a try!


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